It can be done: Closing event of The NGO Fund
On behalf of the Ekopolis Foundation and Open Society Foundation we would like to invite you to the conference, which will be held on 21st April in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Robme dobro a hovorme o tom (workshop)
Ako efektívne komunikovať, na čo nezabudnúť pri vytváraní webovej stránky a ako využívať sociálne siete na získavanie finančných partnerov. Na tieto témy odborníci z oblasti marketingu, vzdelávania a IT sveta prednášali na workshope, ktorý Nadácia pre deti Slovenska zorganizovala pre zástupcov mimovládnych organizácií podporených z „nórskych“ fondov, v rámci oblasti podpory Deti a mládež.
Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti vyhlásila tretiu výzvu v rámci implementácie EEA Fondu pre mimovládne organizácie
Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti vyhlasuje v rámci implementácie programu podpory mimovládnych organizácií – Demokracia a ľudské práva tretiu výzvu zameranú na podporu MVO na Slovensku v štyroch prioritných oblastiach podpory:
- Demokracia, dobrá a transparentná správa vecí verejných;
- Ľudské práva, vrátane práv menšín;
- Rodová rovnosť a boj proti rodovo podmienenému násiliu;
- Boj proti diskriminácii, rasizmu a xenofóbii.
Verejné konzultácie k vodnej politike SR
Srdečne pozývame všetkých aktívnych ľudí na tri diskusie o strategických dokumentoch týkajúcich sa vodnej politiky SR. Ide o materiály, na základe ktorých budú robené protipovodňové opatrenia, povoľované malé vodné elektrárne (MVE), budované priehrady, regulované potoky a rieky, ale mali by byť aj revitalizované odrezané mŕtve ramená, nivy a mokrade, búrané stupne na tokoch.
Uskutočnia sa 6. mája 2015 v Bratislave, 12. mája 2015 v Prešove a 13. mája 2015 vo Zvolene.
Viac informácií: POZVÁNKA
Workshop a diskusia v Banskej Bystrici: pozitívne zmeny v mestách
Prvá zo série záhradných dišpút s workshopom v Banskej Bystrici.
Príďte sa inšpirovať, ako nastaviť otvorené a konštruktívne procesy komunikácie a spolupráce medzi samosprávou, verejnosťou, podnikateľmi a ďalšími dôležitými
hráčmi v komunite.
Téma: mestké prostredie a pozitívne zmeny
Kedy: 2. marca 2015 o od 13:00 - 16:30 workshop a od 18:00 hod. diskusia
Kde: Záhrada - CNK, Námestie SNP 16, Banská Bystrica
Civil Actors in Conflicts,conference
PDCS organizes the international conference "Civil actors in conflicts" (Bratislava, November 7.8., 2014). The conference will present experience with interventions in social conflicts from point of view of civil actors. Particularly it will focus on cultural and value conflicts which draw atention of media in Central and Eastern Europe.
Yes, it can be done! – inspirative and unique event in Slovakia
On 29th October 2014 there will be organized in Košice an event with characteristic title Yes, it can be done! Ekopolis Foundation, the organiser of the event, has an ambition to motivate local communities and to show good practices.
Results of 2. call for applications in the Active Citizenship and Inclusion program
Official results of 2. call of the program as they are approved by the boards of directors of foundations which are managers of individual areas of support.
The Ekopolis Foundation supported the competition Restart Slovakia
Banská Bystrica, December 6, 2013
The main purpose of the second year of competition Restart Slovakia was looking for innovative online solutions for issues such as equality, tolerance, effective governance and transparency. The competition was a part of the project Support for the development of active citizenship in online, which was supported by the Ekopolis Foundation through the Program Active citizenship and inclusion by amount of 46.483 eur.
2. call for proposals closed
137 project applications in total amount 5.564.110,27 € were delivered in 2. call for proposals of the Active citizenship and inclusion programme. Total available amount to be awarded is 1.406.484 €. Lists of delivered applications in areas of support:
2nd call of the programe Active citizenship and inclusion open!
Banská Bystrica, September 25th
The Ekopolis Foundation and the Children of Slovakia Foundation open 2nd call of the program Active citizenship and inclusion. The deadline of applications is December 4, 2013. More information.
Representants of the community centre in Oslo visit Slovakia
Banská Bystrica, September 21, 2013
The aim of the visit is creating of working relations and acquainting with active citizens movements in Banská Bystrica and Zvolen.
Main event of the Sport Walls 2013 project
Banská Bystrica and Veľká Ida, 2013
The wall, surrounding the Roma quarter in Veľká Ida near Košice, was painted by quarter inhabitants and volunteers, led by Tomáš Rafa.
Results of 1. call for applications in the Active Citizenship and Inclusion program
Banská Bystrica, July 1, 2013
Official results of 1. call of the program as they are approved by the boards of directors of foundations which are managers of individual areas of support.
Call for Predefined project
Banská Bystrica, 24. May 2013
The Ekopolis Foundation announces call for the Predefined project proposals of the Active Citizenship and Inclusion Programme. The deadline is at 31. July 2013. The call's documents are published at in section Calls for proposals.
1. call for proposals closed
Banská Bystrica, 2. May, 2013
206 project applications was delivered in 1. call for proposals of the Active citizenship and inclusion programme.
1. call for proposals open
Banská Bystrica, 28. February 2013
The Ekopolis Foundation in partnership with the Children of Slovakia Foundation and the Socia Foundation announce 1. call for the project proposals of the Active Citizenship and Inclusion Programme. The deadline is at 30. April 2013. The call's documents are published at in section Calls for proposals.
Fund for NGOs opening conference
Bratislava, 25. February 2013
Presentation of Fund for NGO, its goals and areas of support was main subject of the opening conference, held in Bratislava on 25. February 2913. Conference was organized by administrators of two fund's components, the Ekopolis Foundation (programme Active citizenship and Inclusion) and the Open Society Fundation (programme Democracy and Human Rights). More than 180 participants were present, representatives of institutions and NGOs in Norway among them.