Areas of support
Active citizenship
1. Participatory democracy
2. Social inequalities, powerty and exclusion, including in rural areas
Protection of the environment and climate change
1. Public participation, awareness‐raising and active citizenship
2. Supporting sustainable development
Children and youth, including children and youth at risk
1. Children, Youth and Active citizenship
2. Activities targeting children and youth at risk
Welfare and basic services to vulnerable groups
1. De-institutionalization of the services for children and youth with special needs and adults placed in institutions
2. Supporting development of field and ambulant social services of NGOs
3. Supporting social cohesion of inhabitants on local level
Fund for bilateral relations
1. Search for partners and development of partnerships
2. Exchange of experience, internships, study tours and networking
Besides specific eligible activies, which are listed at each priority area below, also general eligible activities may be incorporated in projects (except the Fund of bilaterat relations).
Okrem špecifických oprávnených aktivít, uvedených pri každej prioritnej oblasti, môžu byť v projekte aj všeobecné oprávnené aktivity (okrem Fondu bilaterálnej spolupráce).
Area od support: Active citizenship
Priority area 1: Participatory democracy
Thematic support 1A: Public participation in decision-making
Specific eligible activities:
- using instruments of participatory democracy in practice, advocacy and anti-corruption activities;
- participation in policy and decision‐making processes and watchdog and monitoring activities;
- fostering instruments of participatory democracy;
- awareness raising in area of participatory democracy at various levels.
Thematic support 1B: Access to information
Specific eligible activities:
- access to information at all levels;
- strengthening „watch-dog“ roles of NGOs, network and coalition building in the area of access to information.
Grant: 10.000 - 60.000 €
Duration of project: 6 - 18 months
Number of calls: 2 (February 2013, October 2013)
Priority area 2: Social inequalities, powerty and exclusion, including in rural areas
Thematic support 2A: Access to income
Specific eligible activities:
- innovative and pilot models of linking demand and supply of working opportunities;
- pilot business and self-emloyment models;
- supporting employment by improving welfare.
Thematic support 2B: Social inclusion
Specific eligible activities:
- participation of poor and excluded people in relevant public issues;
- awareness-raising in area of poverty and social exclusion issues;
- activities towards local sustainable social end economic development.
Grant: 10.000 - 60.000 €
Duration of project: 6 - 18 months
Number of calls: 2 (February 2013, October 2013)
Area od support: Protection of the environment and climate change
Priority area 1: Public participation, awarness raising and active citizenship
Thematic support 1A: Fostering active citizenship and participatory democracy
Specific eligible activities:
- advocacy activities in environmental area at all levels,
- networking of environmental NGOs.
Grants: up to 30.000 €
Duration of project: 3 - 18 months
Number of calls: 2 (February 2013, October 2013)
Priority area 2: Supporting sustainable development
Thematic support 2A: Protection of the environment
Specific eligible activities:
- development of umbrella organisations and networks on biodiversity
- participation of NGOs in preparation of national action plans related to biodiversity
- realisation of measures for protection of biodiversity at local level and mobilising the broad public
Thematic support 2B: Climate change adaptation and mitigation
Specific eligible activities:
- realisation of measures in area of climate change adaptation and mitigation
- development of umbrella organisations and networks on climate change
- participation of NGOs in preparation of national action plans related to climate change
Thematic support 2C: Environmental education
Specific eligible activities:
- realisation of environmental educational activities and training for teachers
Grants: 20.000 - 60.000 €
Duration of projects: 6 - 18 months
Number of calls: 2 (February 2013, October 2013)
Area of support: Children and youth, including children and youth at risk
Priority area 1 – Children, Youth and Active citizenship
Thematic support 1A: Fostering active citizenship
Specific eligible activities:
- awareness-raising, supporting active citizenship in the area of meeting rights and
needs and problem-solving related to children and youth
- supporting active participation of children and youth in life of a community and their
co-operation with local minicipalities
Grants: 20.000 - 50.000 €
Duration of projects: 6 - 18 months
Number of calls: 2 (February 2013, October 2013)
Priority area 2 – Activities targeting children and youth at risk
Thematic support 2A: Reduction of threats related to children and youth at risk and Roma
Specific eligible activities:
- prevention and intervention activities focused at minimisation or elimination of threats
related to children and youth at risk;
- education of teachers, NGO staff members, representatives of local/regional municipalities
and volunteers in area of improvement of the quality of work with children and youth
at risk.
Grants: up to 30.000 €
Duration of projects: 3 - 18 months
Number of calls: 2 (February 2013, October 2013)
Area of support: Welfare and basic services to vulnerable groups
Priority area 1: De-institutionalization of the services for children and youth with special needs and adults placed in institutions
Thematic support 1A: Early diagnosis and intervention programmes
Specific eligible activities:
- supporting networking and development of organisation and centers focused at early diagnosis
with focus on interdisciplinary and cross-sector approach;
- supporting individual and community rehabilitation programmes and integration
of disadvantaged children and families.
Thematic support 1B: De-institutionalisation
Specific eligible activities:
- integration of institutionalised clients to local communities through independent/assisted
housing, labour rehabilitation, assisted employment or emplacement at labour market,
social networks building and leisure time activities.
Grants: 30.000 - 80.000 €
Duration of projects: 6 - 24 months
Number of calls: 1 (February 2013)
Priority area 2: Supporting development of field and ambulant social services of NGOs
Thematic support 2A: Development of field and ambulant services in social area
Specific eligible activities:
- implementation of case management in social work with groups at risk;
- supporting local networks of services in social area for groups at risk;
- introduction of new approaches and progressive methodologies to services in social area
for groups at risk;
- supporting research and dialogue among NGOs, beneficiaries and social policy makers;
- supporting volunteering with the aim to increase added value of activities of NGOs active
in the social area.
Grants: 30.000 - 80.000 €
Duration of projects: 6 - 24 months
Number of calls: 1 (February 2013)
Priority area 3. Supporting social cohesion of inhabitants on local level
Thematic support 3A: Social cohesion
Specific eligible activities:
- mobilisation of local communities in the process of integration of people at risk;
- educational activities targeted at local communities;
- supporting dialogue among stakeholders.
Grants: 30.000 - 80.000 €
Duration of projects: 6 - 24 months
Number of calls: 1 (February 2013)
Area of support: Fund for Bilateral Relations
Priority area 1: Search for partners and development of partnerships
Supporting development of contacts and enabling planning and preparation of bilateral partnership projects, which applicants intend to submit within any of open call for proposals in individual areas of support of the Programme Active citizenship and inclusion. Fund can support the travels of representatives of Slovak NGOs to any of the donor countries (Norway Iceland, Liechtenstein) and travel of partners from donor countries to Slovakia.
Eligible activities:
- Search for the partner in donor countries before or during development of grant application
under any of area of support of Program Active citizenship and inclusion
- Travel to country of the partner
- Planning and development of grant application in cooperation with the partner
Grant: up to 1.000 € per a travelling person
Duration of project: up to 3 months
Number of calls: continuously, till 30. april 2014
Priority area 2: Exchange of experience, internships, study tours and networking
Supporting of networking and partnership building, exchange of experience and information and sharing of good practice in the areas related to Programme Active citizenship and inclusion. Fund can support short term internships of individual experts or small teams at the host organisation. The host organisation can be either Slovak NGO or a partner from donor countries (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein). Priority is to support exchanges concerning the civil society, however the participants of exchanges can be also experts from areas of media, research institutions, universities and public administration. Expected outcomes of the projects include processing the topics of exchanges in appropriate publication outcomes (expert articles, publication, e-format, etc.) and targeted distribution of information toward relevant target groups and/or broad public.
Eligible activities:
- Participation at conferences, seminars, courses and workshops;
- Internships and study tours;
- Expert visits;
- Elaboration of feasibility studies, financial and economic analysis;
- Organising of conferences, seminars and workshops;
- Promotion and information activities, publicity.
Grants: up to 10.000 €
Duration of projects: up to 6 months
Number of calls: continuously, till 31. may 2015
Under all priority areas (except the Fund for Bilateral Relations) general eligible activities can be implemented in the projects:
- fostering active citizenship and participatory democracy, including grassroots / local level;
- advocacy, watchdog and monitoring activities;
- awareness-raising activities;
- multicultural dialogue activities;
- participation in policy and decision-making processes;
- capacity-building and organisational support to NGOs;
- strengthening governance in membership-based NGOs;
- network and coalition building;
- mutual learning and dissemination;
- education and training activities;
- cultural initiatives to promote key areas of support as mentioned above;
- provision of welfare and basic services.