Svatobor, citizen association, Ďurďoš-Grodzin, district Vranov nad Topľou
Grant: 60.000 €
Main goals of the project: To reduct poverty and social inequalities in selected Roma communities of Vranov nad Topľou region through the participation in the eco-farming works targeted on bioseed production.
Main planned results:
Hlavné výstupy projektu:
- helping people living in poverty: keeping of 10 existing jobs, creating 10 new jobs, involving of 30 persons in work in gardens, 100 recipients of gardening products;
- 2 measures contributing to better access of people, living in poverty and hunger, to work via farming and water constructions works;
- 1 measure contributing to social inclusion and food selfsufficiency via community farming of vulnerable groups;
- 300 kg of 9 kinds of seed in total value 10.000 €
- 10 tons of 10 kinds of vegetable and fruits in total value 10.000 €
Webpage of the Svatobor association: (in Slovak language)
Subpage of the project (in English)