Divadlo bez domova, association, Bratislava
Grant: 75.890 €
Main goals and activities of the project:
The main activity of the project is operation of the theatre of homeless actors, from rehearsals to performances on home stage to tour. Such theatre is very important for homeless actors as far it makes opportunity for return of self-confidence, showing positive way of problem solving and finding of meaningful being. The theatre is also very good way of public awareness and perceptiveness raising about homelessness. The exchange of know-how with the Icelandic partners as well as long-term renting of a van for disabled actors is incorporated in the project beside operation of the theatre
Main planned results:
- at least 16 theatre performaces in Bratislava and in Slovakia;
- 1 new theatre play including its rehearsals and the premiere;
- at least 9 homeless and 3 diasbled actors involved.
Web page of the project: www.divadlobezdomova.sk