Nové školstvo, civic association, Šamorín
Amount of the grant: 16 470 €
Objective of the project: The goal of the project is to identify the problems, which are faced by children as well as by their parents and teachers during the process of integrating children with special needs or health disabilities in the educational process. In addition, solutions to these problems will be proposed.
The main outputs of the project:
- Mechanism improving the cooperation and dialogue among several groups of parents, their communities, and non-profit organisations; as a result, the support given to inclusion and equality in education is more powerful in society and public discussions (1 functional, broader, and empowered coalition For Equality in Education)
- Workshops with target groups (3 workshops)
- Manual of Advocacy Counselling (1 manual)
- Involving citizens from target group environments in the activities which support inclusion and equality in education (50 people involved)
- Cooperation of other non-governmental organisations, experts, and partners in public discussions (8 cooperating organisations and partners)
- Presenting the outcomes in media (10 articles, blogs, press releases, and media appearances)
Websiteof the organization: