Local YMCA Revuca, civic association, Jelšava

Amount of the grant: 29 321 €

Objective of the project: The goal of the project is to found a community centre in which opportunities for complex growth of children and families will be provided. It will offer a safe platform for an effective participation in the life of society.

The main outputs of the project:

  • Creation of a community centre with a purpose of meeting the needs of children and youth at risk (1 centre)
  • Creation of a platform for cooperation and active participation of marginalized groups in the town (13 workshops, cultural exchange markets, and exhibitions)
  • Impact made on the target group (5,000 clients)
  • Education via intervention and prevention programs (200 clients)
  • New activities (10 new activities)
  • Further education (47 activities)
  • Promotion activities, information leaflets, posters, T-shirts, pens (780 pieces)
  • Cooperation with partners and experts (6 partners and experts)
  • Active participation of volunteers (30 volunteers)
  • Opening a new job position of a community worker and maintaining the old one in the centre (2 jobs)

Websiteof the organization: www.ymca.sk

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