Centrum Slniečko, non-profit organization, Nitra
Amount of the grant: 39 766 €
Objective of the project: The goals of the project are to achieve higher involvement of NGOs in policy making; to improve the quality of advocacy activities and promote the role of NGOs in building partnerships with state institutions; and to implement systematic changes in social-legal protection of children based on their needs.
The main outputs of the project:
- Creating a sound coordination work group in the field of child protection (6 coordination meetings of NGOs representatives)
- Creating an informal network of experts and state administration representatives from the given field (10 – 15 experts, a sound list of state representatives)
- Analysis of the situation and problems (6 round tables, 20 individual consultations; outcomes will be available for the use in (i) the revision of the action plan for children, and (ii) writing the alternative report on the implementation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child for the UN Committee)
- Change proposals in the system of the child protection will be provided by experts (1 conference – 90 participants; 2 round tables; 4 participations at the meeting of the Committee for Children and Youth; participation in activities of the work group assembled to work on amending the Law No. 305 and revising the National Action Plan for Children; outcomes useful for the amendment of the act on social-legal protection of children and social curatorship, and for implementing human rights strategies)
- Increasing the level of public sensitivity; informing public, including children, about the issue of children at risk (15 media outcomes)
Websiteof the organization: www.centrumslniecko.sk