OZ ŽITO, Nitra

Grant: 67,598 €

Project goal:
increase and preserve biodiversity in Slovakia via restitution of the European elk, an important and integral part of wetland ecosystems, back to the Slovak nature.

Main outcomes of the project:
a) elaboration of the Elk Management Programme
b) establishing of 2 game preserves: at Drahová (Utekáč county) and at Polianky (Poltár county) at the total area of 18 hectares;
c) transporting 6 individuals of the European elk (3 couples). 1 couple will be placed at the experimental facility of the National agriculture and Food Centre with headquarters in Lužianky, 1 couple at Drahová and 1 couple at Lužianky; 4 individuals will be released to the wildlife;
d) spreading information on the project and its outcomes to the public by:
- a film document on the European elk and its reintroduction to Slovakia,
- a mobile exhibition on the European elk,
- an international conference organised as a closing event to the project.

Project web-pages:

English  Slovensky