Občianska cykloiniciatíva Banská Bystrica (OCIBB)
Grant: 57,071 €
Project goal:
improving urban air conditions by increasing the proportion of cycling and other ecological urban traffic which directly contributes to reducing CO2 emissions.
Main outcomes of the project:
a) realisation of the campaign By Bike to Work in 3 Slovak cities with at least 400 participants and saving at least 15,000 tons of CO2,
- najmenej 15 000 ušetrených ton emisií CO2,
b) preparation of a web pages Cities for Bikers offering an opportunity for bikers as well as cities to register and compare their data, with at least 6 participating cities in 2015;
c) sharing information on the project and its results with the broad through:
- European Mobility Week (16. – 22. 9. 2014) in Banská Bystrica, Martin a Prešov,
- organising other events, issuing information materials, publishing information at web pages and Facebook and cooperation with the external media.
Project web-pages: