SS-1-29, „Together for acceptance – for the life without disadvantages"
Association for help mentally disabled people in Petrzalka, Working - socialising centre IMPULZ
(Bratislava region)
Grant:€ 71,965.63
The goal of the campaign „Together for acceptance – for the life without disadvantages” is to create conditions for a personal experience of public, mainly young people and employers, with the world of mentally disabled people. Through mutual experience learning and creative contacts – the clients in roles of lecturers, evaluators, businessmen and craftsmen; through making three educative short films (“Client as a consumer”, “Client as a cook and a host”, “Client as a patient”), through education, promotion in public and awarding moral awards to companies, the project will enrich all target groups: the clients will improve or gain practical skills needed for their everyday life and majority representatives will deepen their personal development, inspiration, sensitivity and a sense for well doing. The project outcomes and results will be distributed into all regions of Slovakia via ZPMP members and others.
Project goal: Through experience and creativity to enable peer-learning and networking between majority population and mentally disabled people
Main outcomes of the project:
- a network of local supporters: - 50 of awarded certificaties and stickers, 300 of sold lockets "Eye for the network"
- new product catalogue, special cookbook – printed and PDF;
- development skills of practical life and working skills of the clients
- 30% raising of sales revenue from the workshops
project web-page: