SS-1-31, How change is born in community
Autists - Agency of specialized services for people with autism and other health disabilities
(Bratislava region)
Grant:€ 36,695.16
The main aim of the project is to engage relevant NGOs and community resources in Bratislava self-governing region to contribute to systematic changes in community care for young people with mental disabilities. Strategy of the project is to build on regional conception, our activities in community and use these resources and materials for research part of project with focus at identification of obstacles, barriers and possibilities for networking of NGOs and development of new community social services. Results of the research will be discussed at 2 roundtable discussions for NGOs, clients, Bratislava self-governing region employees and other relevant professionals. Roundtables discussion are tool for community networking and development of the cooperation strategies which are aimed towards clients needs and community needs.
The third main activity is focused at active citiziens participation (young people with mental disabilities) in community living and trainings (12 meetings) for people with mental disabilities. The main aim and content of trainigs will be preprared together with people with mental disabilities and will be based at their individual needs for Independent living in community
Project goal: The main aim of the project is to engage young people with mental disbality, NGOs, social providers and Bratislava self-governing region to contribute to systematic social change in community.
Main outcomes of the project:
- Implementation of research
- NGOs at roundtable discussions;
- Network of 8 NGOs
- development of new community social service
- 30 clients cooperating on project activities
project web-page: